Monday, November 20, 2006

Supported Employment

Making dreams come true

SunriseArc is contracted by the Florida Department of Education Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to enable clients to obtain and keep employment.

Once the job seeker is referred to the Supported Employment Program, an assigned job coach assists the client in finding a job that he or she is interested in and capable of performing.

The program provides assistance in the areas of:
- Job development and placement
- Onsite training
- Ongoing support services

Employability Skills Training


SunriseArc offers a twelve-hour Employment Preparation Course that teaches clients with disabilities important skills to enter the job market and get ahead in their present positions. The classes and trainers are funded in part by The Able Trust and the Lake County Board of Commissioners and take place at the SunriseArc Adult Day Training facilities. Curriculum includes interview and resume preparation, written applications, social skills at the work place, punctuality, personal appearance and a self-directed job search.
We are always looking for ways to expand and improve our services and programs. Your feedback is appreciated.

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