Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An attitude of gratitude...

Well, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and many are wondering just exactly what there is for which to be grateful. The first thing that comes to mind is life itself. In the rough and tumble of everyday life it is easy to forget the alternative! Life is a wonderment as well as a gift not to be squandered!

That thought leads to the One who gave us life and has provided...what we need...not necessarily what we want.

Next comes to mind gratitude that one is not someone who is suffering, in pain, grieving, homeless, hungry, destitute or any other human condition that robs us of dignity.

Gratitude has scale and for many in the world it is thankfulness for mere basics while in other parts it may grander including possessions, status, good health, and the possibility of more blessings in life.

It may well be that gratitude is a state of mind and an attitude that tunes us in to the real things in life that make it worth living: family, friends, a relationship to Something greater than ourselves (however one may define it) and some purpose to our own lives...among many others.

If we are lucky we may sit at the table this week to review the bounty that was provided and think to ourselves "Am I the luckiest person in the world?"...

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