Monday, November 17, 2008

The Palin not that one!

Regardless of what side you were on Governor Sarah Palin deserved recognition for her unabashed travels with her baby who has Down Syndrome. The cynics out there may pooh pooh this as a ploy...but... things have come a long way.

Ms. Palin may not know that she has The Arc to thank for working over several generations to bring children with disabilities out of the shadow into the light, if not the spotlight. It has been in the lifetime of many in the United States that persons with disabilities were largely hidden away in the institutions, denied free and appropriate education, were denied even the most basic of civil rights. The movement of The Arc has help to do away with many of the most obvious and egregious laws, practices and customs that hurt people with disabilities but its work remains.

In spite of the progress made over time, there remain many thousands lanquishing on wait lists for services and many more underserved in their communities...and thousands left in state or private institutions. However, Ms. Palin and her young son are beacons to what darkeness remains that shines a light of pride, love and courage. She did what any proud mom would off her baby. But what a symbol!

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