Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Share the Economic Stimulus Package

Congress may take up extending the Economic Stimulus Package to include some money for Medicaid and it is hoped they do! We cannot imagine a society where the baby is left starving so the parent could be fed (no pun here!). It is ironic that during the presidential campaign much was made about "spreading the wealth" as socialism or, worst yet, communism...while at the same time unprecedented federal bailouts to corporations are being made...with our tax dollars, of course.

Well, if this "spread" is good enough for the most and biggest of us should there be a crumb or two from that table dropped down to the very least and most vulnerable among us?

Is spite of everyone seemingly wanting to get in on the act Congress has some moral responsibility (do not know if "Congress" and "moral" should be in the same sentence!) to take some of our tax dollars to shore up Medicaid which is so vital to the lives of people with disabilities ...whose services have been cut...and for so many people languishing on the waiting lists for services around the country.

Congress: Do what is right!!!!!

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