Friday, January 23, 2009

Margin and Mission

The belt gets tighter with the prospects of cuts handed down by the Florida legislature during their special session. Only a veto from Governor Crist will stop the grinding reduction of resources for people with disabilities to get valued, critical and medically necessary services.
In the nonprofit world the axiom "No margin, no mission" is dead on as it takes money to sustain and advance a socially redeemable mission. Wihtout the proper resources no organization can sustain itself and without these organizations society cannot sustain itself. Despite the aura of "big government", it is the nonprofit and faith-based community that is the real safety net for those in need. It is counterintuitive to further reduce funds for organizations that help people at a time when those people need more help. It is in times of economic crisis that people rely on the nonprofit and faith-based groups for help. So why make matters worse by cutting the very lifeline that these folks need?

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