Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well done, Governor!

True to his word that he would protect the most vulnerable Floridians Governor Charlie Crist vetoed cuts that would have harmed people with developmental disabilities in our state.

His move was not popular but in keeping with his word. It is rare nowdays to buck a trend and do something unpopular.

Mr. Crist had many champions beseech him to veto cuts that would hurt thos who have already borne the brunt of many budget reductions. People with developmental disabilties have experienced deep cuts in their services since 2003. Mr. Crist's act of courage and compassion has eased their pain...for now.

Out of Congress will come some sort of economic relief for Floridians of many stripes including those with disabilities. But the minions have lined up to slice the pie in ways that may be harmful to the most vulnerable among us. It is hoped that what finally passes out of Congress and coming to the states will have provisions to attend to the neediest among us. We can only hope.

In the meantime...Well done, Governor

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