Thursday, February 26, 2009

At the intersection of goodness

Some time ago SunriseArc had occasion to seek a favor in support of an uncoming event: get the autograph(s) of notable artists, songwirters or producers of a compilation of monster hits that would be offered for auction as a centerpiece item . After some due diligence a contact was made to a person with connections to these good folk and the process of requests began.

What is remarkable is that there was one individual out there with utterly no connection to or association with our cause who would take up our request to find people for autographs. That person was, as fortune had it, intimately connected with and at the center of one of the greatest accomplishments in the entertainment business. He was literally on the ground floor of the most successful record industry legend: Motown.

What is even more remarkable is that someone out there with no connection to us would take valued time to fulfill a request from a complete stranger. In a coarse and uncertain world we come to the intersection of goodness where someone does a decent and good thing for its own sake. And that is remarkable...

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