Friday, April 24, 2009

'Social media' math....

It is amazing how people are connecting with one another through social networks like Facebook or Twitter. The so-called 'social media' are becoming important tools to connect and stay connected with others, to share interests and lives, support causes or invite others to take a peek inside the daya-to-day of one's life.

There is an indisputable need among us to connect. We are tribal beings. Our survival as humans in the early stages of our development depended on banding together with others. That instictive need to gather has helped us thrive and advance as humans. What we once did as flesh and bone we now do virtually.

Yet that sense of wishing to be connected, to be relevant to others is still very powerful and has taken expression through 'social media'.

We have before us a great opportunity to connect with others and advance our cause at the same time. A Facebook member told us recently that they calculated the number of connections they had which totalled over 27,000 people! That is remarkable! One person connected to others who are yet connected to more people...adds up quickly.

SunriseArc is using all available 'social media' means to create awareness for the cause and to have 'conversations' with others about our mission. We hope to continue to attract interest to our cause and to inspire peopke to tell others. Our reach through these media is very powerful and can do much to advacne a very compelling cause.

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

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